FaithBridgeU Needs Partners Like You!

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We envision a world where all foster and adoptive parents have more than enough of the resources they need to succeed so that children find healing and hope.
Are you interested in learning how you can provide access to the families associated with your organization? Do you have training content you’d like to contribute to FaithBridgeU? Or would you simply like to learn more about FaithBridgeU? Take a moment to watch this video, read through the FAQs, and then fill out the form below.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I track the progress of our families?
Users can download their transcripts and certificates for each course and provide them to you for tracking purposes. Users are also able to upload certificates from in-person training to store all of their training records in one place.
Can married couples share an account?
In order to comply with regulations for CEs, FaithBridgeU does not allow users to share accounts. Each user must have their own account, in their name, with a unique email. Certificates are completed individually for each user. If you are a couple and want to take a class together, you must both login to your individual accounts and enroll in the course to receive a certificate with your name on it.
Who approves the courses?
All courses are approved by licensed clinical social workers.
What content is available for our families?
Current courses can be viewed at faithbridgeu.com/courses.
How is content selected?
Foster and adoptive families provide direct topic feedback; an advisory committee is constantly reviewing potential content; and via partner organization proposals.
How much does FaithBridgeU cost?
There is a $50 per user/annual fee that can be paid by each individual. FaithBridgeU is a non-profit organization and these fees only cover a portion of our overall costs. If desired, a church or organization has the ability to pay for subscriptions or offer discounts to their families.
Is there access to live webinar trainings?
FaithBridgeU has several live, instructor-led training opportunities each month. During these webinars, families are encouraged to participate, ask questions, and build community with other families.
Who is FaithBridgeU?
FaithBridgeU was started by FaithBridge Foster Care, a child placing agency in north Georgia, to meet the needs of its foster families. It has grown into a non-profit LLC in collaboration with churches, organizations, and national content experts. FaithBridgeU’s vision is for every foster and adoptive family to have easy access to professionally approved, Christ-centered training.
Are there ways the costs of our families can be offset?
You may subsidize a portion or all of the cost to provide a discount to your families.
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