Live and On-Demand Classes

Preview some of our courses

Supporting Your Bio Children When Fostering

Stephanie Watts

The Importance of Living in Community

Dr. Curt Thompson & Jason Johnson

How Would Jesus Parent

Greg Lombard Rae

Rhythms for Calm Parenting Series

Jedd Medefind

Social Media and Internet Safety

Detective Phillip Grant

Fostering and Adopting in a Co-Missional Marriage

Beth Guckenberger

Challenging Behaviors

Ryan North

Understanding Secondary Trauma

Jenn Meyer

Fighting the Stigma When Things Go Wrong

Meredith Shuman

Relational Needs of Teenagers

Bryan Davidson & Nathan Castleberry

Parents as Models

Mark and Kristin Orphan

Smartphones 101 Series

Barrett Johnson

Confronting the Fear of Not Having What it Takes

Dr. Curt Thompson & Jason Johnson

Negative Thinking and Suicidal Ideation

Jason Bohn

Shame Free Parenting

Jason Regier

Parents as Leaders

Mark and Kristin Orphan

How to Live a Full Life

Kondo Simfukwe

Bragging Rights as a Parent

Kondo Simfukwe

Fostering Teens 101

Tori Hope Petersen

The 4 R's of Education Advocacy

LaToya Gray, Ed. S.

The Big Three: Raging, Lying, and Stealing

Barb Clark